I remember the exact times my mom told me this. “You’re being lazy” “stop being lazy”.
Depression seriously makes everything 20 x harder. On my good days everything is hard work. And on my low it’s really really hard to do almost anything.
People with depression often lack motivation and energy. It’s hard to feel like you are accomplishing anything.
My mom told me those three words when she was asking me to bring down my dirty laundry. “It’s been 2 days I’ve been asking.” That day I was contemplating suicide. My depression was really high. And I had just got done crying. I walked myself back upstairs and started bawling again. I felt so hurt because I was trying to talk myself into taking it downstairs. I was just too tired... I slept around 12 hours the night before and I had a monster energy drink. I was so angry at myself.
The thoughts that went through my head were from as simple as “I’m too tired” to as extreme as “I should die because I’m not good enough for anyone”
“I’m just a bother”
Which is not true at all.
I’m gunna be honest it took me two more days to take down that damn laundry... but that’s irrelevant.
People with depression and many other mental illnesses are not lazy. They are battling their own head. Ythey are battling every day life. They are battling the thought that the world seems so dark, so scary they can’t possibly stay in it.
Fighting depression is tough. And living life in general is tough.
We are not lazy. We are just tired from fighting this war with ourselves...
I explained to my mom multiple times. Hey it’s not okay to say that. And she did stop and I am very thankful for that.
Next time you think someone is lazy
Everyone is fighting their own problems and you never know what they are going through.